A unique support system of financial protection, insurances and confidential counselling.
Always included, always free. Only on Temper.

Temper's FreeSecurity protects you
Insured means protected. During your shift you’re automatically covered against a range of cases like hospitalisation, becoming permanently disabled or even passing away, all as a result of an accident.
What happens if you accidentally cause an injury or damage someone’s belongings while working? Temper makes your work truly worry-free, as you are automatically covered against these kinds of incidents.
And with the new franchise, any claim over €75 will be fully paid out.
If you’ve worked more than 10 shifts through our platform, you’re eligible for a benefit that supports you when you’re unable to work due to illness or an accident.
Also, now if you receive compensation for being totally unable to work due to an accident, you can claim up to €1000 compensation for damage to your personal belongings.
Freeflexing is all about flexibility. Plans may change, even when you’re committed. With Temper there’s always a way out. If you can’t make it to the shift and the cancellation period is over, you can simply find a substitute - both within and outside of Temper. That's easy!
FreeSecurity is a unique protection suite for FreeFlexers. Temper has been the first company to offer such comprehensive care for freelance professionals.
See why confidential counselling matters
"Building your life the way you want it is something to value. Together with Temper, I am ready to support you in that growth. So growth goes hand in hand with Security. FreeSecurity"
Build flexpools
Recurring shifts
Find out how insurance may benefit you
Learn how substitution works
4+ is the rating for over 70% of substitutes
8 out of 10 FreeFlexers successfully found a substitute when needed
FreeSecurity is a unique protection suite for FreeFlexers. Temper has been the first company to offer such comprehensive care for freelance professionals.
With FreeSecurity, FreeFlexers are fully protected against a range of unpleasant cases that might happen in their life. We all wish they never happen, but if they do - it’s important to know you are backed up.
With Temper, every freelance professional can rest assured they shall get support in case of accidents, sickness, misunderstandings at work and much more.
Absolutely for free. Because we believe this is a right, not a privilege.
Learn more about FreeSecurity and how to use it to your benefit here.
Read all about insurance in case of liability, accident or illness, on our insurance partner Alicia website. They are experts in the field of insurance and are available for all your questions by phone, email and chat.
If you don’t want to work the shift yourself, and the cancellation period is already over – then arrange a replacement.
FreeSecurity protects you from many problems that may occur during your shift, for example, damage to belongings or accidents. However, other issues such as no-show compensations, follow-up consultations with the independent counsellor and exceptions in the insurance terms are not included with FreeSecurity.
FreeSecurity protects you, but your client benefits as well. The business liability insurance provides protection for the client’s belongings. The replacement guarantee - when the cancellation period is over - means that the client can always expect someone. If you don’t show up and fail to arrange for a replacement, the client may decide to charge you a compensation of €100. This is to compensate them for having to find someone else last-minute.