Freelancer. For one, a scary word. For others, a dream come true. Freelancing offers a lot of freedom and flexibility, which you don't find easily when working as an employee. Because you can choose which job you sign up for, who you work with, where and when you work, you are free to make choices that exactly match your strengths and needs.
As a freelancer, you don't have to adjust yourself to a schedule that might cause you unnecessary stress. The flexibility of a freelancer has many advantages. Here are 8 reasons why you should become a freelancer!
1. You do something you really like
For many people, work is a daily activity so that the bills can be paid. As a freelancer, you work with passion and you see your work more as a hobby! How cool is that?
2. You set your own rate
As a freelancer, you decide what you want to earn. Do you think it is too low? Then negotiate your rate! Just compare your rate with other freelancers. You do not want to miss the boat because your rate is too high.
3. Success is in your hands
Your success depends purely on your own efforts. With hard work and continuous development, you will rise above the rest in no time.
4. No fixed workplace
Yes, you hear that right. Not a fixed workplace somewhere in a dusty office with the same people day in, day out. You can work in a new, inspiring environment every day. That's how you get somewhere! And if you do like to go somewhere more often, then you decide to go there anyway. Who's stopping you?
5. Starting off simple
There are two ways in which you can apply for a VAT number. You can do this with the form 'Opgaaf Startende Onderneming' (a.k.a. 'OSO') or by registering at the Chamber of Commerce. Depending on how often you plan to freelance, you may need to register with the KVK. You can read what suits you best here
6. Freedom between work and private life
You can easily build the hours you work around your private life. Your working hours are flexible and can be spread over the whole week. An important exam you have to study for? Or a party you can't miss? No problem, just work a little longer one week!
7. Opportunities and development
With freelancing you have a lot of opportunities. On every work floor you learn new skills. And the better your qualities, the higher your rate will be. Besides, the jobs will be there for the taking!
8. You are your own boss
We saved the best for last. Because as a freelancer, you decide where, when and for how much you work. No boss who tells you that you have to work when you can't. You decide. You decide. Perfect right?
Also freelance? You can! Sign up at Temper as a FreeFlexer. On the platform you can find great jobs in hospitality, delivery, retail and logistics.