Platform worker Temper is self-employed

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In the case of Temper, a platform worker is an independent entrepreneur. The platform users are entrepreneurs for sales tax purposes. We provide a digital space so that these independent entrepreneurs can work for various companies, in a sector that is struggling: the hospitality industry. The comparison with a notice board, where restaurants and bars can place orders, is easily made. The independent entrepreneur, also known as a freelancer, can choose where and when he works. Temper has no say in this, and has no ambition to ever have a say in this. We only want the freelancer to be able to get to work easily. For that reason, we facilitate the model agreement between client and contractor on the one hand, and the handling of invoicing on the other.

The freelancers who find work through Temper are not in an employment relationship with the clients, nor with Temper. The employment relationship is unnecessarily inflexible, and therefore difficult to reconcile with the spirit of the times and the platform as we know it.

Qualification question

There is a wide range of platforms where you can do labour, from meal delivery to cleaner and from driver to hospitality professional. We propose to answer the qualification question - is a platform worker an employee? - should be answered per platform. As a freelancer in the hospitality industry, you need to have experience. There is a wide variety of skills involved in being successful in a hospitality business, whether as a barista, bartender or independent cook.

Corporate freedom

In a dynamic 21st century, the added value of entrepreneurship is increasingly important. Entrepreneurs and their companies are of great importance to economic activity and, consequently, the earning capacity of an economy.

Temper is a crash course in entrepreneurship for thousands of people, and the people using it are not dependent on the platform. They are free to go wherever they want, and do not need to use Temper. That is the freedom that being self-employed gives them.

The average freelancer using Temper is in their early twenties, is educated and uses income to pay rent, pay for studies and drink a beer at the weekend. Research among freelancers who work through Temper shows that flexibility is the main reason for using the platform. Entrepreneurial freedom is sacred.