The De Balie courthouse in Amsterdam dates back to the 19th century and was once the centre of social and political debates. Recently, Niels Arntz, the founder of Temper, sat down with Hans Borstlap, chairman of the advisory committee on regulation of work, Melda Güvercin, a former extra earner via Temper and now a clerk at a law firm, and moderator Thomas van Zijl to discuss the increasing impact of technology on the labour market and the importance of embracing modern forms of work.
"Currently, the discussion about the future labour market mostly focuses on worker protection, and rightly so. However, it's also equally crucial to consider the future structure of the labour market, especially given the increasing importance of the tech sector."- Niels Arntz, founder of Temper.
Watcha summary of the event here and read the highlights from the evening below.
Freelancers come in all shapes and sizes
When it comes to freelancers, there's no one-size-fits-all definition. However, one thing is sure: freelance people want to work on their own terms, make their own schedules and follow their passions. Hans Borstlap, the author of the most important advisory report on the labour market, called such people who work through digital notice boards like Temper pioneers. Adding Borstlap, "There is no such thing as 'the' self-employed person." Admitting he needed to include more about these side earners in his report.
Embrace Modern Forms of Work
It is essential that modern forms of work be taken into account by ministers and politicians in The Hague, mainly as new policies are being developed to reform the Dutch labour market. Structural employment or temporary agency contracts do not accommodate individuals who earn extra income on the side, fill gaps in their schedule, or desire a high degree of flexibility.
"My way of working [as a freelancer] is considered unsuitable in the old system around which employment law is set up. This means I would no longer be able to work this way." - Melda Güvercin, additional earner through Temper.
Focusing on What's Important Regardless of Contract
Hans Borstlap further suggested that the discussion regarding self-employed individuals is uncharted territory. As a result, resources such as legal presumptions and web modules are being used, which have to be interpreted by judges. He proposes working with a universal foundation for the labour market, which prioritises social security and training opportunities, regardless of the type of contract.
Talking to Young People
We must have more discussions like these with young people. As a company, we are committed to doing our best and encouraging cooperation from ministries and members of parliament. It is essential to recognise that tomorrow's labour market will be shaped not only by young people but also by them. Their voices must be heard, said Niels, concluding,
"What sticks with me the most is the idea that we need each other and that it is important to take the time to recognise this fact and work together to find solutions that benefit everyone."